Each week you will:

 1. Celebrate your weekly wins, and challenge your losses.

2. Gain revelation that leads to application.

3. Meditate on your true identity in Christ, receiving His love.

4. Practice seeing yourself walk in your true identity, peace and power, in specific scenarios that you personally encounter!

The Lord has brought great wisdom in this last decade on tools that help your mind/brain shift into the new perspectives of the Lord! You will practice these with the Lord as He helps you paint a picture of peace and power in your imagination.

As a man thinks in his heart so is he!

"You must let the Word of God paint a picture of success and victory in your life. Because in the light of eternity, what's happening to you is not that big of a deal." A. Wommack

We’re living in a time of great chaos and strife in our world. Amid circumstances, we can slip from our foundation of the Peace we experience in HIS Presence. 

We must get proficient at letting go of the "wounds" that try to curse our identity and steal our peace,  returning to peace quickly when we lose it.

  • Do annoyance, insecurity, offense, and anger rule the day?
  • Are you tired of losing your peace under pressure?
  • Are you learning but never able to walk consistently in what you have learned?
  • Are you one person in the world and another at home because of these things?
  • Do you depend on your environment or other people to be “just so” before you are happy?

When you’ve lost your inner peace, you’ve disconnected from God, your true self, and thus your ability to affect your world for God.

James 3:16 says, "Where there is strife, there is confusion and every evil practice." But the opposite is also true: Where there is Peace, there is Power. 2 Timothy 1:7

We see Jesus as the most powerful display of peace and power at the cross. He wasn’t a victim; He chose to lay down His life with no offense in His heart. He held His peace to accomplish this earth's most powerful act ever.

The peace of God can calm the storms of chaos and confusion. Join Dr. Lisa so you can learn how to walk in your true identity in Christ, that empowers you to choose His peace in any situation and brings God-given clarity, direction, and hope to any situation.

You have God-given authority to boldly impact the world around you for and with Jesus Christ! But you must cultivate an inner world ruled by the Prince of Peace to bring that peace and power to the world around you instead of being controlled by chaos, pain, or conflict.

Focus on your true identity in Christ, is not self focus, it is focus on who He is in and through you!

Remain Anchored in Your Identity in Christ.

Then, Your Inner World is Ruled by the Prince of Peace, & HIS Power Flows Unhindered Within You!

Join Us & Learn to

Allow the light of God to illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light until you experience the full revelation of the hope of His calling, His glorious inheritance of His immeasurable power in you! 



Walk in the Freedom He has paid for you to have;

Regulating your emotions, through Christ in YOU! Don't wait for someone else to change before you choose peace.

Walk in your True Identity, Peace + Power!

The sign up for the Walk in Your True Identity Group Coach Sessions is closed.

Meet Your Host, Dr. Lisa Winchell